• Authors: Menene Gras Balaguer (Ed.), Fang Zhenning.
  • Spanish | English | Chinese
  • 978-84-936363-5-7
  • 15,00€ | Hardcover | 25.2 x 30.3 cm | 477 pp.
  • Casa Asia | Barcelona, 2009
  • Matadero Madrid.




“Beijing Time: China Time” proposes a panoramic vision of the contemporary creation in China through installations, photography, video and cinema. Without, of course, putting aside the digital drawing, supports and formats common to the seventeen artists who participated in the expositive project of the same name. The expression “Beijing Time” is a common expression to designate the time zone of a country, in which there is only one official hour despite its extension and the existence of a notable difference between the schedules of some provinces located at the ends of the territory and the city of Beijing. It has also taken into account the significant ambiguity of this time that is likely to be identified with China’s time in the world, before the world economic leadership that this country already visibly plays in the present. Where is China going? To this question they try to answer the proposals of the artists: Cang Xin, Du Zhenjun, Gao Lei, Jin Shi, Li Wei, Miao Xiaochun, Qin Yufen, Shen Yuan, Sui Jianguo, Wang Jianwei, Wang Zhiyuan, Xiong Wenyun, Yi De ‘er, Yin Xiuzhen, Yuan Shun, Zhang Xiaotao and Zhou Wendou, who participate in this project; and the fifteen filmmakers who are characterized by their testimony of changes and reformulation in their country such as Chen Kaige, Chen Tao, Han Jie, Jia Zhangke, Jie Liu, Li Hongqi, Li Yang, Peng Tao, Wang Bin, Wang Chao, Xiao Guo, Ying Liang, Zhang Yimou, Zhang Jiarui, Zhang Yuan and Zhao Ye.

For more information, contact the email [email protected].