27 / 05 / 2024 | Barcelona | Activities > Education
Closed activity
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Kogin-Sashi is a traditional Japanese embroidery technique, characterized by its geometric and repetitive patterns. It originated in Aomori Prefecture in the Edo era (1603-1868). The peasant women began to reinforce the fabrics of hemp, linen, etc., embroidering with thread to increase the durability and resistance of the fabrics and to provide shelter in the cold winters of the region.

Over time, embroidery evolved into elaborate, intricate and symmetrical geometric patterns. 

Kogin-Sashi was on the verge of disappearing in the 20th century but, after its rediscovery, much research and the recovery of old pieces, it has been reborn with force in Japan, it has become a popular art form and is crossing borders due to its beauty.

Nowadays, in addition to the classic style made with white thread, there is talk of modern Kogin-Sashi, which has incorporated the use of colors in threads and fabrics and is no longer limited to reinforcing and embellishing clothing, but is used also in accessories, home decoration, handmade gifts, etc., without forgetting the magnificent textile art made by authentic embroidery artists.

In this workshop, students will learn the technique of embroidering geometric patterns and will get to know the different modako and will be able to choose to create 5 different models: a pendant for glasses, a pendant for a mobile phone, a keychain, a bracelet or a necklace. 

No prior embroidery experience is required. You will start from scratch and gain experience with practice. This is an introductory course.

Necessary material (included in the price)
– Kogin-Sashi needle
– Patterns
- Screen
- Threads

Material (acquired by the student)
- Pair of scissors
- Pencil and paper


Silvia Chico, after years embroidering hundreds of Kogin-Sashi pieces, has acquired extensive experience in this Japanese technique and in the knowledge of patterns and their combination, as well as their origins, evolution and conceptual framework.

She currently teaches workshops to publicize this wonderful Japanese art and spread it so that other people enjoy and fall in love, as she did, with its beauty and benefits, such as serenity, satisfaction and the joy of creating sophisticated, delicate and precious works. .


May 27 to June 10, 2024.
Monday from 18.00:20.00 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. CEST
3 sessions of 2 hours each, total 6 hours

Casa Asia
c/ Elisabets, 24

Workshop price: 68 euros 

Casa Asia, with the collaboration of Viviki – Japanese crafts.