10 / 05 / 2024 | Barcelona | Activities > Education
Closed activity
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Shodo, or Japanese calligraphy, is the art of writing Japanese characters, Kanji and Kana with brushes and Japanese ink on rice paper. Shodo literally means “The path of writing” and has a very important spiritual and artistic component. 

The goal of this course is to discover the art of Japanese calligraphy while learning about the fascinating Japanese kanji. Each kanji has a unique story and deep meaning, and we will learn to appreciate and understand these ideogram characters as we practice writing them in an artistic and thoughtful way.  

Through the practice of shodo, we will connect with the essence of these kanji and explore their aesthetic beauty while learning about their formation and meaning. From the funniest kanji to the creepiest, this course will take you on a journey through the nuances of Japanese language and culture.


In this 5-session course, we will dedicate a session for each kanji:

1st session: Kaze 風 (Wind): We will explore why this kanji has an animal representation.

2nd session: Bi 美 (Beauty): We will analyze the composition of this kanji and its association with beauty.

3rd session: Tabi 旅 (Travel): We will discover how this kanji represents the concept of travel through its composition.

4th session: Michi 道 (Path): We will explore the history behind this kanji and its association with light and the human head.

5th session: Let's prepare a final project where the knowledge acquired during the course in relation to the origin and meaning of Kanji will be applied.

No prior knowledge of Japanese calligraphy or Japanese language is required.

Materials (included in the price)

– Rice paper and thick paper

- Ink

Materials (At the student's expense)

– Gaku-sho brush 

– Cloth to clean the ink

– Packets of disposable wipes

It is advisable to wear dark clothing

The selection of kanji may vary according to the teacher's criteria.


Satomi Tanaka She is a calligraphy teacher. She has spent twenty years studying calligraphy, teaches workshops and has given presentations at the UAB and the University of Valencia. She has also made calligraphy works for martial arts centers and for the company Suntory.


May 10 to June 14, 2024.
Friday, 17.00:18.30 p.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. CEST
5 sessions of 1,5 hours each, a total of 7,5 hours

Casa Asia
c/ Elisabets, 24

Price: EUR 95

Unemployed people, people with functional diversity, students under 30 years of age and retirees will be able to access a 10% discount bonus.

Casa Asia