Poetry has been the most popular and constant artistic and cultural manifestation in the history of Japan. A subtle play of light and shadow with which the hidden has been hinted at, the human experience has been veiledly exalted, the nature and essence of things has been wisely suggested.
This course in ten sessions is a journey through the universe of that game: Japanese poetry translated into Spanish.
From the first babblings, heirs of a rich oral tradition associated with sacredness, expressed in the songs of the era of the gods and captured in the Kojiki, from the year 711, and, later, in the Manyōshū, to the casual and fresh verses by Machi Tawara in his anthology salad anniversary published at the end of the 20th century. And, in between, the luminous galaxies of the aristocratic and exquisite poetry of the imperial anthologies in the medieval centuries, the dazzling haikus, the lyrical and revolutionary explosion of the tanka of the poet Akiko Yosano (with her passionate Midaregami o Tousled hair, from 1901), by Takuboku Ishikawa, by Mokichi Saitō. A journey for which we prepare with an introductory session on the aesthetic principles of Japanese poetry and its unique code of literary expression.
The objective of the course is know and enjoy poetry, on the one hand so intriguing and foreign to our principles of literary formulation, and, on the other, so universal and close to the hearts of men and women of all times and places.
The teacher will provide explanations about the sociocultural and historical conditions and aesthetic values that fostered poetic creation in each era, and will comment on the poems read in each session. To access these, a collective email will be sent every two weeks to the email of those enrolled in the course.
Carlos Rubio He was a professor at the University of Tokyo for five years in the 1994s, and since then he has worked as an editor, lexicographer (Kenkyusha, 2003; Sanseido, 30) and translator (individually or collaboratively) of more than XNUMX works of Japanese literature. in the Spanish language, including the poetic anthology The bird and the flower (Alianza, 2011) and a partial version of the Kokinshū (Hiperión, 2005). Author of The myths of Japan (Alliance), Murakami's Japan (Aguilar), A thousand years of women's literature in Japan (Satori) and from the manual Keys and texts of Japanese literature (3rd ed., Chair). He regularly collaborates with the Center Casa Asia-Madrid and Japan Foundation teaching courses and seminars. In 2014 he was honored by the Imperial House of Japan with the Order of the Rising Sun for his long career spreading the culture and literature of Japan. www.carlosrubiolopezdelallave.wordpress
From April 16 to June 25.
Tuesday, 19.00:20.30 p.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. CET
10 sessions of 1,5 hours each, a total of 15 hours
There will be no class on April 23
The sessions that make up this course will be recorded and the recordings will be available for ten days.
On-line. 24 hours before the event, registered people will receive the necessary information to access.
Check your spam folder if you haven't received it.
Price: 112,5 euros.
Casa Asia A certificate of course attendance will be delivered by email to anyone who requests it and who has attended 80% of the classes.
Unemployed people, people with functional diversity, students under 30 years of age and retirees will be able to access a 10% discount bonus.