08 / 01 / 2024 | Activities > Culture
Closed activity
Check the new training offer here: www.casaasia.es/formacion

In this course we will discover a new revolutionary and effective method of learning Thai online. The Thai language is one of the most prominent languages ​​in the Eastern world spoken by approximately 70 million people.

This course will help anyone who has an interest and need to learn the language from the basics (reading, writing, speaking) without having prior knowledge.

Throughout this course, we will cover the second part of level A1-1 of the CEFR.

This will be followed, in the third term, by the progression course, completing the full A1-1 level throughout the entire academic year, in three stages/courses.

From Monday 08/01/24 to Monday 18/03/24
11 sessions 22 hours 110 euros


Students who register for the course can do so in two ways: 

1) ZOOM Mode: The students:

-will follow classes on ZOOM
-will deliver the requested homework
-You will pass the end of quarter exam (except in the first quarter in which there will be NO exam, only continuous evaluation)
To be able to pass the level.
This modality is what ensures optimal use of the course.

2) Deferred modality: The students:

-you will see the recordings
-will make a brief summary of each class and post it on the homework platform (on the first day of class, students will be taught how to use this platform);
-will deliver the requested homework
-pass the end of term exam
To be able to pass the level.

It will be necessary to attend 60% of the classes in ZOOM (ZOOM mode) or submit at least 60% of the summaries of the recordings (deferred mode) as an essential requirement to be able to pass the level, in addition to complying with the rest of the requirements of the course.


• Temporary markers.
• Days and months.
• “ao”, “yaak” (want). “kamlang” (estar + gerund).
• “dai yin” (listen). “jam” (remember). “noon lab” (fall asleep). “mong” (look)
• Body parts.
• Vocabularies of everyday life.
T Special. young.


Paranee Moolsintong She has a degree in Modern Philology in English, French and Spanish from Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok, Thailand) and a Master's degree in Hispanic Philology from New York University.

For twelve years he taught Thai classes at the Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora de África in Madrid, as a result of the agreement between the Colegio Mayor and the Faculty of Philology of the UCM.

She has been a commercial delegate in the Commercial Office and information analyst at the Royal Thai Embassy in Madrid; She advises private companies in Madrid in the field of import and export between European and Asian countries and she has been, for years, an advisor to MAUEC in the annual examination of sworn Spanish-Thai-Spanish interpreters.


January 8 to March 18.
Monday from 17.00:19.00 p.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. CET

On-line. 24 hours before the event, registered people will receive the necessary information to access.

Check your spam folder if you haven't received it.

Price: 110 euros.

Casa Asia and Thai Embassy in Spain.