03 / 04 / 2024 | Online | Activities > Leisure
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Enriquecerse con esta iniciación al zazen (meditación sentada del Zen) requiere de dos condiciones: deseo de liberación personal y curiosidad para conectar experiencias de hoy con las propuestas japonesas iniciales. Resultado de un viaje de 15 siglos a través de India, Tibet y China, el zazen maduró en Kioto en el siglo XIII. Se volvió fermento decisivo de la cultura artística e intelectual nipona. Desde hace más de un siglo sigue su ruta hacia Occidente. Un maestro acreditado nos inicia en el Zen de un modo doblemente exigente: es fiel a las raíces niponas y a nuestro contexto contemporáneo. 

The workshop does not ask for previous experience but it does ask for a willingness to work.

Outline of each session:                                                              

Teisho, theme (20'),
Asana and Pranayama, muscular and respiratory techniques (20'),
Zazen, guided meditation (30)',
Sodan, dialogue (10').

It is recommended to wear loose clothing, a necessary coat, no feeling of hunger or thirst, calm environment, zafu or thick pillow, nose scarf.

It is typical of a workshop to include theory and practice. The theory is found in the indicated texts, whose personal reading is assumed for each session. There will be no long presentations in class. The practice is the learning of meditation and is the content of the workshop. It occupies the entire session and also exceeds the time of a session, asking the participants to do some personal work. For which:                                                                               

– At the end of each session, a task is assigned for the week.
– The virtual community of the course will be to convey queries, store teishos, suggest other readings and serve as a reminder.
– The readings are selected mostly from volume 4 of the tetralogy Zen, published by Ed. Bajo la Luna (Buenos Aires, 2012-2014) and Ed. Herder (Barcelona, ​​2019). They are referenced by volume and chapter. Thus, chapter 2 of the fourth volume is cited as ZEN 4/2.

It is recommended to purchase the book, but it is not essential. People enrolled in the course who wish to do so and request it  You can get it with a 10% discount starting April 1. 



The first thing is to seek maximum personal sincerity. How do I visualize meditation? What need(s) would you like it to address? Distinguish real and fictitious needs. Do I really want to change? Dôgen's key phrase: “Zen is zazen.” 

Reading: ZEN 4/3.

2nd session: WHAT IS MEDITATING?

What it is not and what it deserves to be. Make room for ignorance and use it. Give time to time (the example is the same story of Zen). Dôgen's phrase: “Error, a hundred times error.” 

Reading: ZEN 4/2.

3rd session: MEDITATING IS LISTENING TO THE BODY                                        

The dynamic of Zen goes “from the inside out.” Central place of the body in personal functioning. Dôgen's phrase: “The body is the wheel that sets existence in motion.” 

Reading: ZEN 4/1.


It is not about “bending” the mind or “eliminating thoughts.” Yes, to educate it to expand it. As? Through an exchange between perception and emotion, and between reasoning, intuition and language. Dôgen's phrase: “Zen is mind, no-mind and no-mind.” 

Reading: ZEN 4/6.

5th session: MEDITATING IS SEARCHING FOR THE INNER TEACHER                                                    

What is the “inner teacher” and what does it seek? To meditate is to be silent. What is and what is not “silence”? Dôgen's phrase: “Zazen is the teacher.”

Reading: ZEN 4/4.

6th session: ZEN IS A LIFESTYLE                                                

Go from the inside to the outside, from emptiness to form, from silence to the word, from the loneliness of the ego to interdependence. Dôgen's quote: “To learn the path of Zen is to learn self-respect.” 

Reading: ZEN 4/5.

7th session: ZEN IS A POINT OF VIEW ON CULTURE                                                

Zen does not isolate. Rather, it connects. Liberation seems possible to Zen for everyone, under certain conditions. Is there a Zen culture? Yes and no. Dôgen's phrase: “Zen is the interweaving of vines.”

Reading: provided by the teacher.

8th session: ZEN IS AN ART OF SUSPICION                                                

At the individual level, language is always provisional. On a collective level, it is essential and at the same time a continuous trial and error. Dogen's phrase: “Practicing zazen with some objective is not true practice.” 

Reading: provided by the teacher.


Alberto Silva He has a doctorate in Letters from the University of Paris and in Political Sciences from the University of Madrid. He is a professor at the University of Kyoto, a professor at UAB and UBA (Buenos Aires) and a visitor to Paris and Lisbon. A Japanese translator, specialist in cultural issues of the Japanese country, he has lived (from 1995 to 2009) and taught since the nineties in Japan, a country that he continues to visit regularly. The author of twenty books among which stand out The Zen tetralogy (Herder) and The Haiku Book (Viewer), as well as translations by Akiko Yosano, Baron Yuzo Kuki, among others. He is currently researching the anthropological foundations of the androgynous or neutral in the history of Japanese literature and Zen.


The 3 29 April to May
Wednesdays from 19.30:21.00 p.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.
Session calendar: April 3, 10, 17 and 24; May 8, 15, 22 and 29.
8 sessions of 1,5 hours. 12 hours in total.

On-line. 24 hours before the event, registered people will receive the necessary information to access.

Check your spam folder if you haven't received it.

Price: 90 euros.

Casa Asia A certificate of course attendance will be delivered by email to anyone who requests it and who has attended 80% of the classes.

Unemployed people, people with functional diversity, students under 30 years of age and retirees will be able to access a 10% discount bonus.

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