Writing Chinese calligraphy is a ritual, a song about the circulation of energy. The process consists of a transmission of the spirit of the universe to the specific gesture of each stroke. In the Eastern world, this writing ceremony has been preserved for thousands of years. The essence of writing is not only to represent the beauty of symbols, but also to show the virtue of the person. As the critic Liu Xizai said, calligraphy must reflect the ideas, knowledge and character of the person.
Before writing, meditation purifies the mind and the ritual predisposes it to capture energy. The Indian ink is ground with water in the inkwell, slowly, until the black color is shiny and thick. Take the brush and gently moisten it with the ink.
Since the Tang Dynasty, some important calligraphers were also painters. The techniques for handling the brush and the materials for writing and painting are the same, their origins have common roots.
This course is aimed at people interested in learning, practicing and experiencing the art of Chinese calligraphy and Chinese painting. Here we are going to introduce the relationships between calligraphy, Chinese philosophy and painting. Students will also learn the basic practice of writing Chinese characters and painting elements such as bamboo or the orchid of the four knights of Chinese painting. Throughout the course, students will be able to acquire basic knowledge of this art and enter its world, thus discovering the mystique of oriental art.
Beginner (students without prior knowledge or with basic knowledge of Chinese calligraphy and/or painting).
Session 1: History of Chinese calligraphy, introduction to tools
Sessions 2-6: Introduction of basic strokes
Session 7: Introduction to the history of Chinese painting, basic Chinese painting technique
Session 8: Basic Chinese painting - bamboo
Session 9: Basic Chinese painting- orchid
Session 10: Basic Chinese painting - orchid
Important note about materials:
On the first day of class it is not necessary to bring the material. The teacher will explain the necessary material and where to buy it.
The set must include:
– 2 brushes
- Chinese ink
– Practice paper
- Rice paper
Hsiao Lin Liu, doctor from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona. Born in Taiwan, she is a teacher of Chinese calligraphy and Chinese painting. Her doctoral thesis investigates the relationship between Chinese calligraphy and informalist painting.
April 10 to June 19, 2024.
10 sessions of 1,5 hours each, a total of 15 hours
Wednesdays from 19.15:20.45 p.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. CET
There will be no class on Wednesday, May 1
Casa Asia
c/ Elisabets, 24
Price: EUR 150
The cost of the materials is approximately 40 euros.
Unemployed people, people with functional diversity, students under 30 years of age and retirees will be able to access a 10% discount bonus.